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Explore the colourful history of Newlyn!

It's not just fish! Explore the unique heritage of England's largest fishing port. Its first recorded mention by the Bishop of Exeter in 1435 that Newlyn had, "repairing and maintaining of a certain quay or jetty for forty boats" to the more recent "Tuna Wars"; the Newlyn colony of artists founded by Stanhope Forbes, Newlyn Copper, begun to keep some of the town's more unruly youngsters out of mischief; the tidal observatory from which the height of sea level was calculated for all UK navigation charts and, can you find the house with the smallest window in the UK?





There are a host of fishing industry and maritime related sites, here are only a few. If you would like us to include your site or wish to suggest a link, please contact us here


For local busineses and services in Cornwall including events, places to stay, eat and drink click here...enter